“The value of EA is not in simply ‘doing EA’, but rather in how it can help evolve the business and enable senior executives to respond to business threats and opportunities”
Enterprise architecture teams often fail to claim its value delivered. Some of these units are simply “product pickers” who select technology for their IT departments. In other organizations, EA units are theoretical “talking shops” staffed by individuals who constantly refer to EA theory.

Enterprise architecture value streams
Enterprise architecture as any other business function within organization consists of a set processes (methodologies, techniques) and tools (frameworks, models) to provide business services. At the same time, enterprise architecture contributes to certain value streams to deliver value to its stakeholders.

Enterprise architecture, in biggest extent, contributes to Strategy to Portfolio (Plan) value stream. It provides expertise and services to business executives as major stakeholders, as well to solution architects who further deliver projects according to the roadmap. It helps organizations with enterprise portfolio management and planning, supports investment decisions, prioritization, risk management of different initiatives in business and IT.
Enterprise architecture acts here like a bridge between the strategic direction of the organization, and its day-to-day operations and change processes.
Another value stream is Requirements to Deploy (Build). Enterprise architecture gives program-level coordination to realize the changes in a coherent manner.
Finally, enterprise architecture contributes to Awareness to Prevention (Risk) value stream. EA can help the organization to establish the healthy behaviors that prevent expensive and complex automation diseases.
Business problems we analyze in this blog belong to the one of the value streams mentioned.
Trust and partnership
Knowledge of enterprise architecture value streams helps business executives to see delivered value in business terms and improves cooperation with enterprise architecture teams.